Friday, May 15, 2015

Essay (Where I will be in 5 years)

My name is Agung, now I am 20 years old, I was happy with my hobby photography, travel, the hobby I've been able to get the money, although not much. I opened the service, prewedding, wedding, documentation etc. I can get money. With this money I use to travel and see the natural beauty of Indonesia, the new island of Java, Sumatra (Palembang, Lampung) and Denpasar. Three islands in Indonesia that makes me would want to continue to explore the world of tourism in my country. I have aspirations to be around Indonesia, becoming employers bus. The next 5 years I dream will a professional photographer and will have a bus company in Indonesia, to develop the world of photography, and to make the State Indonesia have decent transportation, safe, convenient to the people of Indonesia.
From the world of photography I would explore nature in Indonesia that wealthy everything. Make tourism in Indonesia is growing rapidly and bringing foreign tourists to Indonesia, I can do it from the results of my photos, for exposing tourism in Indonesia that are in the corners of this country. That in Indonesia we can see nature, mountains, forests, animals, beautiful plants that have not explore by many people for that I want to make Indonesia will advance the world of tourism.

After becoming a professional photographer I am going to an entrepreneur bus, it is my wish, to promote decent transport, comfortable and safe in Indonesia. There are still a lot of buses that are not feasible but is still used in this country, with this I will change the transport and will promote land transportation in Indonesia, in the streets of our city will no longer see the bus door opened, black smoke bus, the bus is dirty, heat. All buses will be clean, comfortable with cheap price. And can make people comfortable to rising public transport. Cause jammed highways because people using private vehicles and do not want to ride public transportation because of dirty, unsafe and uncomfortable. people choose to ascending a private vehicle, although it jammed. And I will make the tour bus, heading around the tourist attractions, for simplicity I open tour bus from the bus station in all regions in Indonesia to the tourist attractions.

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris bisnis 2 – Minggu ke 3

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris bisnis 2 – Minggu ke 3

Paragraf: 4, Judul Buku: Pengantar Akuntansi 1, Halaman: 109

FOB Shipping Point (Perangko gudang penjual), beban angkut disini ditanggung oleh pembeli, berarti akan menambah nilai pembeliannya. Mungkin merupakan suatu prosedur bahwa dalam prakteknya terlebih dahulu dibayarkan oleh pihak penjual, yang dicatat di dalam faktur penjualan untuk langganan

Paragraphs: 4, Book Title: Introduction to Accounting 1, Pages: 109

FOB Shipping Point (stamp vending warehouse), the burden is borne by the buyer transport herein, means it will be add value to the purchase. May be a procedure that in practice first paid by the seller, which is recorded in the sales invoices for subscriptions

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Simple Future tense & Modal Tense

Simple Future tense
  1. (+) The doom will happen in 2012. (-)The doom will not happen in 2012. (?) will the doom happen in 2012?
  2. (+) The sandstorm will come now. (-) The sandstorm will not come now. (?) will the sandstorm come now?
  3. (+) I’m going to send this package tomorrow. (-) I’m not going to send this package tomorrow. (?) am I going to send this package tomorrow?
  4. (+) I will find your shoes as soon as possible. (-) I will not find your shoes as soonn as possible. (?) will I find your shoes as soon as possible?
  5. (+) My grandmother will come Tomorrow. (-) My grandmother will not come tomorrow. (?) will my grandmother come tomorrow?
  6. (+) She will be back now. (-) she will not be back now. (?) Will she be back now?
  7. (+) Asean economic community will come at the end of 2015. (-) Asean economic community will not come at the end of 2015. (?) will asean economic community come at the end of 2015?
  8. (+) Teacher will check your homework. (-) teacher will not check your homework. (?) will theacher check your homework?
  9. Which hotels do you think will offer the best service?
  10. (+)I will close the window. (-) I will not close the window. (?) will am close the window?

Modal tense.

  1. Budi can play piano well
  2. Can I visit your home?
  3. We shall go to Singapore next month
  4. We must be diligent
  5. I can buy anything with my money
  6. Would you like to see my craft?
  7. You should see the doctor.
  8. I ought to wear high quality photography equipment.
  9. May I go home now?
  10. You could run faster than me one years ago.